Wastewater Treatment Plant Revamping

Wastewater Treatment Plant Revamping

Revamping complete with the damaged parts of the elliptical equalization tank , upstream of the chemical-physical treatment :

  1. Remediation and cleaning of the tank with aspiration of the liquids present: operation carried out by self-cleaning (about 400 cubic meters) and removal of the rainwater present at the head of the purifier. The sludge on the bottom of the tank was aspirated and emptied into the sludge thickening area.
  2. Remediation of the external area with removal of weeds, cleaning with a pressure washer of the external perimeter concrete, restoration of any cracks or parts damaged by bad weather or vegetation, addition and casting of new concrete parts for the creation of flooring suitable for processing around the tank.
  3. Cleaning of the tank with pressure washer, plus sandblasting for the complete opening of the porosities present, and restoration of total impermeability by closure and remediation of the widest and deepest cracks. For those with a thickness of less than 0.4 mm, the procedure with Penetron grouting was used (indicated for the in-depth waterproofing and chemical protection of any concrete structure).